
Occupational safety card training completed online will give you an official qualification approved by the Centre for Occupational Safety.

The occupational safety card training as a webinar is suitable for you if you like to complete your occupational safety card remotely regardless of location.

If your card is still valid, you can renew it with our Occupational Safety Card Refresher course (four hour training).

In addition to the training, the price of the webinar includes an electronic occupational safety notebook (pdf), a mobile occupational safety card and a registration for the Occupational Safety card search.

The occupational safety mobile card can be used immediately after the approved course completion. It also serves as a certificate of the training.

The  card is valid for 5 (five) years. 

The purpose of occupational safety card training is to improve practical cooperation in the joint workplace between subscriber and supplier companies.

Implementation of the course

The course is organized as online training. A link entitling to participation in the training will be provided separately in the e-mail provided by the participant before the start of the training.

The participant must have access to a computer, smartphone, or tablet that can be used for video communication and discussion during the training.

The participant’s identity is verified at the beginning of the training by presenting an identity card to the trainer in a video.

Content of occupational safety card course training

The content of the course focuses on the basics of a common workplace by opening up one’s own and common workplace orientation and work guidance, providing basic information on occupational safety, and providing tools for the prevention of accidents at work, accidents, and harmful loads.

Participants in the training receive an occupational safety card issued by Työturvallisuuskeskus (TTK), which is valid for five years.

Registration for the course

Select a date from the calendar on the right of this page. After selection you will see the training schedule and the number of available places.

After selection, you can fill the participant´s information in the form that appears below the calendar. Several participants can be added at the same time.

Press “Lisää ostoskoriin” (Add to cart) button when you are ready to add participants to the training and go to the checkout. 

The participant will receive an invitation message with a link by email the day before the training.

The training is organized in the Google Meet application. The application doesn’t need to be downloaded to the computer, it works directly in the web browser.

Supported browsers are Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Safari. We recommend using the latest version.

If you use a tablet or smartphone, please download the Google Meet application, which you can download for free in the app store.

The price of the course includes

In addition to the training, the price of the webinar includes an electronic occupational safety notebook (pdf) , registration for the Occupational Safety card search

Subscription courses

In addition to open training, we organize subscriptions. In Addition to English, it is also possible to hold subscription courses in another language.

Occupational safety card course, Webinar

105,00  (+ ALV 25,5%)

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Valittu koulutus


Occupational safety card training completed online will give you an official qualification approved by the Centre for Occupational Safety.

The occupational safety card training as a webinar is suitable for you if you like to complete your occupational safety card remotely regardless of location.

If your card is still valid, you can renew it with our Occupational Safety Card Refresher course (four hour training).

In addition to the training, the price of the webinar includes an electronic occupational safety notebook (pdf), a mobile occupational safety card and a registration for the Occupational Safety card search.

The occupational safety mobile card can be used immediately after the approved course completion. It also serves as a certificate of the training.

The  card is valid for 5 (five) years. 

The purpose of occupational safety card training is to improve practical cooperation in the joint workplace between subscriber and supplier companies.

Implementation of the course

The course is organized as online training. A link entitling to participation in the training will be provided separately in the e-mail provided by the participant before the start of the training.

The participant must have access to a computer, smartphone, or tablet that can be used for video communication and discussion during the training.

The participant’s identity is verified at the beginning of the training by presenting an identity card to the trainer in a video.

Content of occupational safety card course training

The content of the course focuses on the basics of a common workplace by opening up one’s own and common workplace orientation and work guidance, providing basic information on occupational safety, and providing tools for the prevention of accidents at work, accidents, and harmful loads.

Participants in the training receive an occupational safety card issued by Työturvallisuuskeskus (TTK), which is valid for five years.

Registration for the course

Select a date from the calendar on the right of this page. After selection you will see the training schedule and the number of available places.

After selection, you can fill the participant´s information in the form that appears below the calendar. Several participants can be added at the same time.

Press “Lisää ostoskoriin” (Add to cart) button when you are ready to add participants to the training and go to the checkout. 

The participant will receive an invitation message with a link by email the day before the training.

The training is organized in the Google Meet application. The application doesn’t need to be downloaded to the computer, it works directly in the web browser.

Supported browsers are Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Safari. We recommend using the latest version.

If you use a tablet or smartphone, please download the Google Meet application, which you can download for free in the app store.

The price of the course includes

In addition to the training, the price of the webinar includes an electronic occupational safety notebook (pdf) , registration for the Occupational Safety card search

Subscription courses

In addition to open training, we organize subscriptions. In Addition to English, it is also possible to hold subscription courses in another language.